#30 Liminal goals, myths about 5-year career plans, power of community ft. Anne-Laure
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There’s so much joy in being able to think clearly—whether it’s cracking a tough decision, understanding a complex concept, or even letting go of bottled up confusions. When creating and shipping stuff, it’s very important to introspect on what’s holding us away from this clarity of thought. And the biggest plus is being able to do this as a community, getting to know others’ perspectives, and intellectually growing our knowledge. Anne-Laure is the founder of Ness Labs, a learning community with over 50,000+ makers. She’s a neuroscientist, educator, and soon-to-be author. She writes and speaks about mindful productivity and encourages founders and builders to derive first principles in thinking.
Quitting corporate & choosing unconventional career lanes, Kickstarting Ness Labs and how it works, Creator of information vs. collector of information, Building the newsletter in public, Why 5-year career plans are outdated, Embracing serendipity in exploring interests, Liminal creativity and redefining goals, How community thinking accelerates growth, Tools for thought: keeping human consciousness intact, Distress vs Eustress: How to differentiate