Jan. 20, 2024

The Art of Shipping Creative Projects: A Conversation with Aarthi Ramamurthy

The Art of Shipping Creative Projects: A Conversation with Aarthi Ramamurthy

In today's digital age, creating and shipping work can be a double-edged sword. While the internet provides an open platform to share ideas and builds a creative community, it also comes with challenges of fluctuating tech platforms, unpredictable markets, and balancing user expectations.

Aarthi Ramamurthy (CPO, Founder, Podcaster, Angel Investor) and Aishwarya Ashok chat on The Founder's Foyer—discussing the nuances of creative authenticity, fostering connections, and maintaining consistency in the creative journey.

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Embrace The Serendipity of Creation

Aarthi's journey in the creative world began rather serendipitously when she started "The Good Time Show" with her partner, Sriram. This show was born from a pursuit of maintaining meaningful conversations even during the pandemic. It evolved over time, covering various topics ranging from leadership and performance reviews to discussions about starting companies, going to Mars, and other aspects of technology and leadership.

The show eventually became a platform where cross-industry creators, tech folks, sports personalities, writers and directors convene for dynamic, enriching discussions. Aarthi's advice to podcast beginners is simply to persist and make it to the 20th episode. This commitment helps to hone skills, learn more and solidify a routine and process for content creation.

Genuine Connections Over Numbers

Exploring another pressing question, Aarthi talks about growth and discoverability in an organic way. She emphasizes that beginners should focus on building and learning from their craft rather than getting swept away by metrics. Shipping outputs, according to her, is the first step, and adding value is the secret sauce to any successful creative venture.

She asserts that when creating meaningful content, the focus should be on value added to the audience rather than metrics and schedules. A creator should aim to project their unique voice, insights gained from their experiences, and their individual approach to topics. The focus is not merely on creating content, but on delivering value.

Growing in the creative space, according to Aarthi, doesn't mean growing alone. It's about learning alongside your peers, being inspired by their works, and contributing to the collective industry progress. She notes that every content creator starts somewhere, and each initial stage is unique, but what matters is taking that first step-forward and continually evolving through the journey. During this process, obtaining feedback, while sometimes challenging, is an invaluable resource for growth. 

Aarthi emphasizes that networking is not a zero-sum game; rather, it's an infinite game where everyone has the potential to win.

Tackle Negativity with Curiosity

When stepping into the public square with creative work, criticism and negativity inevitably follow. Aarthi advises treating these not as weapons of destruction but as turns in the journey of creating. She talks about the need to persist in the face of detractors and draws on her personal experiences in dealing with negativity. Viewing every negative comment or action as a passing wave, without letting it overpower your creative mindset, can be a game-changer.

Techno Optimism and the Spirit of Persistence

Aarthi delves into the prevailing spirit of techno-optimism, stressing the importance of viewing technology as an enabler rather than an intimidating force. She suggests embracing a beginner's mindset while exploring technology, learning from peers, and engaging with an open and curious mind.

The conversation phrases the importance of dedication towards the creative process. Maintaining consistency in shipping out products, a steady pace, and persisting through challenges—these are they key to self-discovery.


The conversation rounds up with the emphasis on building a “personal monopoly”, that is, leveraging your unique skills and experiences in whatever you're creating. This brings in the authenticity and individuality that can set your work apart from the rest, creating a unique space for your ideas in the market.

The journey of building ideas into a product is one filled with lessons, introspections, and countless iterations. As brilliantly articulated in this conversation, consistency, connections, creativity, techno-optimism, and a beginners' mindset can help envision, embrace, and enhance the journey from the realm of ideas to the world of products. 


Tune into the conversation on YouTube | Spotify | Apple Podcasts