Finding the right set of peers, building the dream team to work towards a vision, setting the table for growth—all of these are interrelated from the perspective of strengthening teams. However, there’s a layer of science beh...
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#27 Team dynamics, personality traits, activating humans for real-world results ft. Evan LaPointe, Core (4x Founder)
Innovation is what most of us immediately point to when it comes to product success—but how often have we innovated our own thinking? Have we ever discovered what it means to be at the intersection of interests, ideas, and im...
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Portfolio careers, human Venn diagrams, diversifying interests ft. Christina Wallace (Harvard Univ)
When was the last time you tried explaining an idea to your friend, co-founder, or teammate? Of course, it happens quite frequently for most of us, but looking back at the experience, at certain instances we spent more time e...
With a new year setting in, most of us want to plan out our goals, look forward to high performance, and get ready to do our best form of work by either creating or shipping something live. As much as all the enthusiasm is in...