How often should founders & PM teams revisit product strategy ft. Yana Welinder | Founder, Kraftful

Building products is such a fun journey—especially if users are involved early in the process that it feels like co-creating and riding the wave with them. There’s also racing against the advancements in technology, thanks to AI’s hypergrowth every passing day. So how do you balance the ride and race, when do you know it’s time to take a dive or a turn and how do you account for changing markets?

Yana Welinder is the founder and CEO of Kraftful, an Al copilot that helps teams build better products by listening to user feedback. A YC alum and a Stanford fellow, she formerly led product teams at IFTTT, Carbon, and Wikimedia Foundation. Yana loves backing up founders and she currently runs GenAIFounders community and she invests into promising ideas via Pioneer fund. A true 0-1 person and an amazing friend in the product community.

In this video, Yana and Aishwarya discuss how technology tides have evolved over time—from the times when people switched over to mobile-first applications and the way browsing websites became a commonplace thing. That aside, Yana also shares how the AI change is much more different and nuanced than the other shifts, and the way founders and PM teams need to constantly challenge and revisit their assumptions while keeping the larger vision in the steer.

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